Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users

Unlock the full potential of your spreadsheets with these 15 awesome ChatGPT prompts. Boost productivity and streamline your workflow with expert tips.

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users

Unlock the full potential of your spreadsheets with these 15 awesome ChatGPT prompts. Boost productivity and streamline your workflow with expert tips.

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15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users
15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users
15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users

In today’s data-centric world, spreadsheets are indispensable tools for organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data. Whether you're using Excel, Google Sheets, or another spreadsheet application, integrating AI like ChatGPT can enhance your productivity and open new avenues for data manipulation. Below, we explore 15 exceptional ChatGPT prompts that can elevate your spreadsheet game to new heights.

General ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheets

1. Generate Complex Formulas

Prompt: "Create a formula for [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to achieve [specific goal]. Here is my sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: This prompt helps you craft intricate formulas tailored to your specific needs, such as calculating moving averages, forecasting trends, or performing financial analysis.

Example: Suppose you need to calculate the weighted average of a set of values in Google Sheets. You could use the following prompt:

"Create a formula in Google Sheets to calculate the weighted average of the values in column B, using the weights in column C. 

2. Explain a Formula in Detail

Prompt: "Provide a step-by-step explanation of the following formula used in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Understanding complex formulas can be challenging. This prompt breaks down each component of a formula, explaining its purpose and function within the overall calculation.

Example: If you have a nested formula in Excel like =IF(AND(A2>10, B2<5), SUM(A2:A10), "N/A"), you could use the following prompt:

"Explain the following formula step by step: =IF(AND(A2>10, B2<5), SUM(A2:A10), "N/A"). 

3. Debug a Formula

Prompt: "Assist me in debugging the following formula in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. It’s returning an error: [insert error message]. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Errors in formulas can be frustrating. This prompt helps you identify and fix errors, ensuring your calculations are correct.

Example: If your formula =VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE) in Excel returns a #N/A error, you could use:

"Help me debug the following formula in Excel. It’s returning a #N/A error: =VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE).

4. Learn New Functions

Prompt: "Introduce a new function in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] that can assist with [specific task]. I’m familiar with: [list known functions]."

Description: Discovering new functions can significantly improve your spreadsheet skills. This prompt suggests useful functions based on your current knowledge and needs.

Example: If you are familiar with basic functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT, but want to learn more about statistical analysis, you could use:

"Introduce me to a new function in Excel that can help with statistical analysis. I’m familiar with SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT."

ChatGPT might introduce you to the STDEV.P function, explaining that it calculates the standard deviation for a population based on the entire data set.

5. Create Sample Data

Prompt: "Generate sample data for a [specific type of spreadsheet, e.g., sales report] in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. I need around 20 rows of data."

Description: Sample data is essential for learning and testing new spreadsheet features. This prompt generates realistic data quickly.

Example: For a sales report, you could use:

"Generate sample data for a sales report in Google Sheets. I need around 20 rows of data."

6. Convert Excel Formulas to Google Sheets

Prompt: "Translate the following Excel formula into a Google Sheets formula. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Transitioning formulas between Excel and Google Sheets can be tricky due to differences in function syntax. This prompt ensures smooth conversion.

Example: If you have an Excel formula like =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE), "Not found"), you could use:

"Convert the following Excel formula to a Google Sheets formula. Excel Version: Office 365. Formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE), "Not found"). 

Advanced ChatGPT Prompts for Power Users

7. Trend Tracker 

 Expand on the basic "Trend Tracker" prompt by specifying the timeframe or data subsets you want to analyze.

Prompt: "I have a dataset on [topic] spanning [timeframe]. Can you identify any statistically significant trends or outliers within specific subsets of the data, such as [list specific subsets]? Explain the potential factors contributing to these trends."

Description: This prompt empowers you to discover trends across different timeframes or data categories, providing a more nuanced understanding of your data's story. Identifying trends and outliers helps you understand underlying patterns, making it easier to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset on monthly sales data spanning the past five years. You could use:

"I have a dataset on monthly sales data spanning the past five years. Can you identify any statistically significant trends or outliers within specific subsets of the data, such as product categories and geographic regions? Explain the potential factors contributing to these trends."

This prompt empowers you to discover trends across different timeframes or data categories, providing a more nuanced understanding of your data's story.

8. Correlation Captain (Advanced) 

Take correlation analysis further by exploring potential causal relationships.

Prompt: "I have data on [variable 1], [variable 2], and other relevant variables in my dataset on [topic]. Analyze the correlation between [variable 1] and [variable 2], considering the influence of other variables. Can you suggest possible causal relationships based on the observed correlations and suggest further analysis to confirm or refute these hypotheses?"

Description: By examining correlations within the context of other variables, ChatGPT can help you identify potential cause-and-effect relationships, offering deeper insights into the underlying dynamics of your data. This advanced analysis goes beyond simple correlation to explore possible causal links, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the factors driving your data.

Example: If you have data on employee productivity, hours worked, and additional variables like job satisfaction and training hours, you could use:

"I have data on employee productivity, hours worked, and other relevant variables in my dataset on workforce performance. Analyze the correlation between productivity and hours worked, considering the influence of job satisfaction and training hours. Can you suggest possible causal relationships based on the observed correlations and suggest further analysis to confirm or refute these hypotheses?"

By examining correlations within the context of other variables, ChatGPT can help you identify potential cause-and-effect relationships, offering deeper insights into the underlying dynamics of your data.

9. Visualization Virtuoso

Don't just settle for the first chart type that comes to mind. Let ChatGPT guide you towards impactful data visualizations.

Prompt: "I have a dataset on [topic] that highlights [key insights]. Can you suggest multiple visualization options that effectively showcase these findings for different audiences? For each visualization type, explain its strengths and weaknesses in communicating the data story."

Description: Offering a range of visualization options with detailed explanations empowers you to choose the most impactful format for your specific audience and purpose. Effective visualizations enhance data comprehension, making it easier to communicate complex insights clearly and concisely.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset on customer satisfaction survey results and key insights like satisfaction scores over time and feedback categories. You could use:

"I have a dataset on customer satisfaction survey results that highlights key insights like satisfaction scores over time and feedback categories. Can you suggest multiple visualization options that effectively showcase these findings for different audiences? For each visualization type, explain its strengths and weaknesses in communicating the data story."

10. Interactive Insights 

Engage your audience with interactive dashboards.

Prompt: "I have a dashboard on [topic] that includes [list current features]. Can you suggest ways to make it more interactive by incorporating user-selectable filters, drill-down functionalities, or real-time data updates? Explain how these interactive elements would enhance user engagement and understanding of the data."

Description: By making your dashboards dynamic and user-friendly, ChatGPT prompts can help you transform passive data consumers into active data explorers. Interactive elements like filters and drill-down functionalities enable users to engage with the data more deeply, uncovering insights that static dashboards might miss.

Example: If you have a sales dashboard that includes current features like monthly sales figures and regional performance, you could use:

"I have a dashboard on sales performance that includes monthly sales figures and regional performance. Can you suggest ways to make it more interactive by incorporating user-selectable filters, drill-down functionalities, or real-time data updates? Explain how these interactive elements would enhance user engagement and understanding of the data."

11. Integrate with External Data Sources

Prompt: "Help me connect [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to an external data source (e.g., a database, API) and import data. Provide a detailed guide on setting up this integration."

Description: Integrating spreadsheets with external data sources can enhance your data analysis capabilities. This prompt provides guidance on setting up such integrations.

Example: If you want to import data from a Hubspot database into Excel, you could use:

"Help me connect Excel to a Hubspot database and import data. Provide a detailed guide on setting up this integration."

12. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Prompt: "Create a macro in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to automate the following repetitive task: [describe task]. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement and run this macro."

Description: Automating repetitive tasks can save a significant amount of time. This prompt helps you create and implement macros to streamline your workflow.

Example: If you frequently need to format sales data, you could use:

"Create a macro in Excel to automate the following repetitive task: Format sales data by applying bold to headers, adding borders to all cells, and converting the data range to a table. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement and run this macro."

ChatGPT would provide a VBA macro like:

Sub FormatSalesData()
    ' Bold the headers
    Rows("1:1").Font.Bold = True

    ' Add borders to all cells
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With

    ' Convert the data range to a table
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, rng, , xlYes).Name = "SalesTable"
End Sub

Consider Superjoin for a Powerful Data Management and Automation:

Superjoin goes beyond the capabilities of traditional AI tools for spreadsheets. It empowers you to seamlessly work with your SaaS data and internal databases, directly within your spreadsheets. Imagine automating complex workflows, building sophisticated reports, and performing advanced analytics – all through a user-friendly interface.

  • Effortless Data Management: Easily connect to both your SaaS data and internal databases. Superjoin ensures your data stays synchronized, removing the need for manual imports and exports.

  • Intuitive Automation: Simplify and automate repetitive tasks and complex workflows with straightforward commands. This frees you from manual data handling and formula creation, allowing you to concentrate on strategic analysis.

  • Powerful Analytics: Unlock the full potential of your data with Superjoin's advanced analytics capabilities. Create custom functions, generate insightful reports, and gain a deeper understanding of your data, all without any coding required.

  • Seamless Spreadsheet Integration: Continue working within your familiar spreadsheet environment. Superjoin integrates effortlessly, enabling you to use its powerful features directly in your existing spreadsheets.

For more details, Try Superjoin for Free now.

ChatGPT Prompts for Regular Expressions

13. Understand a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Break down the following regular expression and explain each part. Regex: [insert regex]."

Description: Regular expressions can be complex and difficult to understand. This prompt helps you decipher each component of a regex pattern.

Example: If you have a regex pattern like ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$, you could use:

"Break down the following regular expression and explain each part. Regex: ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$"

14. Create a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Generate a regular expression to match the following criteria in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. Include examples of what should and shouldn't match."

Description: Crafting regex patterns can be tedious. This prompt simplifies the process by generating regex based on your criteria.

Example: If you need a regex to match email addresses in Excel, you could use:

"Generate a regular expression to match email addresses in Excel. Include examples of what should and shouldn't match."

15. Debug a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Help me debug this regular expression. It’s not matching as expected. Regex: [insert regex]. Expected behavior: [describe expected behavior]."

Description: Debugging regex patterns is often necessary to ensure they perform correctly. This prompt helps identify and correct issues in your regex.

Example: If your regex ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$ isn't matching correctly, you could use:

"Help me debug this regular expression. It’s not matching as expected. Regex: ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$. Expected behavior: Match Social Security Numbers in the format XXX-XX-XXXX."

ChatGPT might suggest checking for leading or trailing spaces or ensuring that the input data is in the correct format.

Challenges and Limitations

While ChatGPT offers immense potential, it's crucial to acknowledge its limitations and potential challenges:

  • Data Bias: AI models, including ChatGPT, are trained on vast datasets. If these datasets contain inherent biases, these biases can be reflected in the outputs generated by ChatGPT. It's vital to be aware of potential biases within your data and how they might influence the results.

  • Human Expertise is Irreplaceable: ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it doesn't replace the critical role of human expertise in data analysis. Analysts need to critically evaluate the generated outputs, ensuring they align with the overall analysis goals and possess a deep understanding of the subject matter for accurate interpretation.

  • Misinterpreting the Machine: It's important to remember that ChatGPT's outputs are probabilistic, not definitive pronouncements. Analysts must exercise caution and avoid blindly accepting the generated insights. Double-check the results with your data and use your analytical judgment to draw sound conclusions.

  • Data Complexity: ChatGPT might struggle with exceptionally complex or nuanced data analysis tasks. For highly specialized areas requiring deep domain knowledge, human expertise remains crucial for effective analysis. However, specialized tools such as Superjoin can be of immense help in such situations.


Integrating AI like ChatGPT into your spreadsheet workflow can significantly boost productivity and enhance data analysis. By using these 15 ChatGPT prompts, you can simplify complex tasks, debug errors, automate processes, and gain deeper insights into your data. Embrace these tools to transform your spreadsheet experience, streamline your workflow, and make more informed decisions. Keep exploring and experimenting with AI to stay ahead in the data-driven world.

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 🚀

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets? 

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically. 

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add 1 additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.

In today’s data-centric world, spreadsheets are indispensable tools for organizing, analyzing, and visualizing data. Whether you're using Excel, Google Sheets, or another spreadsheet application, integrating AI like ChatGPT can enhance your productivity and open new avenues for data manipulation. Below, we explore 15 exceptional ChatGPT prompts that can elevate your spreadsheet game to new heights.

General ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheets

1. Generate Complex Formulas

Prompt: "Create a formula for [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to achieve [specific goal]. Here is my sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: This prompt helps you craft intricate formulas tailored to your specific needs, such as calculating moving averages, forecasting trends, or performing financial analysis.

Example: Suppose you need to calculate the weighted average of a set of values in Google Sheets. You could use the following prompt:

"Create a formula in Google Sheets to calculate the weighted average of the values in column B, using the weights in column C. 

2. Explain a Formula in Detail

Prompt: "Provide a step-by-step explanation of the following formula used in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Understanding complex formulas can be challenging. This prompt breaks down each component of a formula, explaining its purpose and function within the overall calculation.

Example: If you have a nested formula in Excel like =IF(AND(A2>10, B2<5), SUM(A2:A10), "N/A"), you could use the following prompt:

"Explain the following formula step by step: =IF(AND(A2>10, B2<5), SUM(A2:A10), "N/A"). 

3. Debug a Formula

Prompt: "Assist me in debugging the following formula in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. It’s returning an error: [insert error message]. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Errors in formulas can be frustrating. This prompt helps you identify and fix errors, ensuring your calculations are correct.

Example: If your formula =VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE) in Excel returns a #N/A error, you could use:

"Help me debug the following formula in Excel. It’s returning a #N/A error: =VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE).

4. Learn New Functions

Prompt: "Introduce a new function in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] that can assist with [specific task]. I’m familiar with: [list known functions]."

Description: Discovering new functions can significantly improve your spreadsheet skills. This prompt suggests useful functions based on your current knowledge and needs.

Example: If you are familiar with basic functions like SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT, but want to learn more about statistical analysis, you could use:

"Introduce me to a new function in Excel that can help with statistical analysis. I’m familiar with SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT."

ChatGPT might introduce you to the STDEV.P function, explaining that it calculates the standard deviation for a population based on the entire data set.

5. Create Sample Data

Prompt: "Generate sample data for a [specific type of spreadsheet, e.g., sales report] in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. I need around 20 rows of data."

Description: Sample data is essential for learning and testing new spreadsheet features. This prompt generates realistic data quickly.

Example: For a sales report, you could use:

"Generate sample data for a sales report in Google Sheets. I need around 20 rows of data."

6. Convert Excel Formulas to Google Sheets

Prompt: "Translate the following Excel formula into a Google Sheets formula. Formula: [insert formula]. Sample data: [insert sample data]."

Description: Transitioning formulas between Excel and Google Sheets can be tricky due to differences in function syntax. This prompt ensures smooth conversion.

Example: If you have an Excel formula like =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE), "Not found"), you could use:

"Convert the following Excel formula to a Google Sheets formula. Excel Version: Office 365. Formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(D2, A2:B10, 2, FALSE), "Not found"). 

Advanced ChatGPT Prompts for Power Users

7. Trend Tracker 

 Expand on the basic "Trend Tracker" prompt by specifying the timeframe or data subsets you want to analyze.

Prompt: "I have a dataset on [topic] spanning [timeframe]. Can you identify any statistically significant trends or outliers within specific subsets of the data, such as [list specific subsets]? Explain the potential factors contributing to these trends."

Description: This prompt empowers you to discover trends across different timeframes or data categories, providing a more nuanced understanding of your data's story. Identifying trends and outliers helps you understand underlying patterns, making it easier to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset on monthly sales data spanning the past five years. You could use:

"I have a dataset on monthly sales data spanning the past five years. Can you identify any statistically significant trends or outliers within specific subsets of the data, such as product categories and geographic regions? Explain the potential factors contributing to these trends."

This prompt empowers you to discover trends across different timeframes or data categories, providing a more nuanced understanding of your data's story.

8. Correlation Captain (Advanced) 

Take correlation analysis further by exploring potential causal relationships.

Prompt: "I have data on [variable 1], [variable 2], and other relevant variables in my dataset on [topic]. Analyze the correlation between [variable 1] and [variable 2], considering the influence of other variables. Can you suggest possible causal relationships based on the observed correlations and suggest further analysis to confirm or refute these hypotheses?"

Description: By examining correlations within the context of other variables, ChatGPT can help you identify potential cause-and-effect relationships, offering deeper insights into the underlying dynamics of your data. This advanced analysis goes beyond simple correlation to explore possible causal links, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the factors driving your data.

Example: If you have data on employee productivity, hours worked, and additional variables like job satisfaction and training hours, you could use:

"I have data on employee productivity, hours worked, and other relevant variables in my dataset on workforce performance. Analyze the correlation between productivity and hours worked, considering the influence of job satisfaction and training hours. Can you suggest possible causal relationships based on the observed correlations and suggest further analysis to confirm or refute these hypotheses?"

By examining correlations within the context of other variables, ChatGPT can help you identify potential cause-and-effect relationships, offering deeper insights into the underlying dynamics of your data.

9. Visualization Virtuoso

Don't just settle for the first chart type that comes to mind. Let ChatGPT guide you towards impactful data visualizations.

Prompt: "I have a dataset on [topic] that highlights [key insights]. Can you suggest multiple visualization options that effectively showcase these findings for different audiences? For each visualization type, explain its strengths and weaknesses in communicating the data story."

Description: Offering a range of visualization options with detailed explanations empowers you to choose the most impactful format for your specific audience and purpose. Effective visualizations enhance data comprehension, making it easier to communicate complex insights clearly and concisely.

Example: Suppose you have a dataset on customer satisfaction survey results and key insights like satisfaction scores over time and feedback categories. You could use:

"I have a dataset on customer satisfaction survey results that highlights key insights like satisfaction scores over time and feedback categories. Can you suggest multiple visualization options that effectively showcase these findings for different audiences? For each visualization type, explain its strengths and weaknesses in communicating the data story."

10. Interactive Insights 

Engage your audience with interactive dashboards.

Prompt: "I have a dashboard on [topic] that includes [list current features]. Can you suggest ways to make it more interactive by incorporating user-selectable filters, drill-down functionalities, or real-time data updates? Explain how these interactive elements would enhance user engagement and understanding of the data."

Description: By making your dashboards dynamic and user-friendly, ChatGPT prompts can help you transform passive data consumers into active data explorers. Interactive elements like filters and drill-down functionalities enable users to engage with the data more deeply, uncovering insights that static dashboards might miss.

Example: If you have a sales dashboard that includes current features like monthly sales figures and regional performance, you could use:

"I have a dashboard on sales performance that includes monthly sales figures and regional performance. Can you suggest ways to make it more interactive by incorporating user-selectable filters, drill-down functionalities, or real-time data updates? Explain how these interactive elements would enhance user engagement and understanding of the data."

11. Integrate with External Data Sources

Prompt: "Help me connect [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to an external data source (e.g., a database, API) and import data. Provide a detailed guide on setting up this integration."

Description: Integrating spreadsheets with external data sources can enhance your data analysis capabilities. This prompt provides guidance on setting up such integrations.

Example: If you want to import data from a Hubspot database into Excel, you could use:

"Help me connect Excel to a Hubspot database and import data. Provide a detailed guide on setting up this integration."

12. Automate Repetitive Tasks

Prompt: "Create a macro in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE] to automate the following repetitive task: [describe task]. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement and run this macro."

Description: Automating repetitive tasks can save a significant amount of time. This prompt helps you create and implement macros to streamline your workflow.

Example: If you frequently need to format sales data, you could use:

"Create a macro in Excel to automate the following repetitive task: Format sales data by applying bold to headers, adding borders to all cells, and converting the data range to a table. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement and run this macro."

ChatGPT would provide a VBA macro like:

Sub FormatSalesData()
    ' Bold the headers
    Rows("1:1").Font.Bold = True

    ' Add borders to all cells
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With
    With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = xlThin
    End With

    ' Convert the data range to a table
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
    ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, rng, , xlYes).Name = "SalesTable"
End Sub

Consider Superjoin for a Powerful Data Management and Automation:

Superjoin goes beyond the capabilities of traditional AI tools for spreadsheets. It empowers you to seamlessly work with your SaaS data and internal databases, directly within your spreadsheets. Imagine automating complex workflows, building sophisticated reports, and performing advanced analytics – all through a user-friendly interface.

  • Effortless Data Management: Easily connect to both your SaaS data and internal databases. Superjoin ensures your data stays synchronized, removing the need for manual imports and exports.

  • Intuitive Automation: Simplify and automate repetitive tasks and complex workflows with straightforward commands. This frees you from manual data handling and formula creation, allowing you to concentrate on strategic analysis.

  • Powerful Analytics: Unlock the full potential of your data with Superjoin's advanced analytics capabilities. Create custom functions, generate insightful reports, and gain a deeper understanding of your data, all without any coding required.

  • Seamless Spreadsheet Integration: Continue working within your familiar spreadsheet environment. Superjoin integrates effortlessly, enabling you to use its powerful features directly in your existing spreadsheets.

For more details, Try Superjoin for Free now.

ChatGPT Prompts for Regular Expressions

13. Understand a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Break down the following regular expression and explain each part. Regex: [insert regex]."

Description: Regular expressions can be complex and difficult to understand. This prompt helps you decipher each component of a regex pattern.

Example: If you have a regex pattern like ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$, you could use:

"Break down the following regular expression and explain each part. Regex: ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$"

14. Create a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Generate a regular expression to match the following criteria in [SPREADSHEET_SOFTWARE]. Include examples of what should and shouldn't match."

Description: Crafting regex patterns can be tedious. This prompt simplifies the process by generating regex based on your criteria.

Example: If you need a regex to match email addresses in Excel, you could use:

"Generate a regular expression to match email addresses in Excel. Include examples of what should and shouldn't match."

15. Debug a Regular Expression

Prompt: "Help me debug this regular expression. It’s not matching as expected. Regex: [insert regex]. Expected behavior: [describe expected behavior]."

Description: Debugging regex patterns is often necessary to ensure they perform correctly. This prompt helps identify and correct issues in your regex.

Example: If your regex ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$ isn't matching correctly, you could use:

"Help me debug this regular expression. It’s not matching as expected. Regex: ^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$. Expected behavior: Match Social Security Numbers in the format XXX-XX-XXXX."

ChatGPT might suggest checking for leading or trailing spaces or ensuring that the input data is in the correct format.

Challenges and Limitations

While ChatGPT offers immense potential, it's crucial to acknowledge its limitations and potential challenges:

  • Data Bias: AI models, including ChatGPT, are trained on vast datasets. If these datasets contain inherent biases, these biases can be reflected in the outputs generated by ChatGPT. It's vital to be aware of potential biases within your data and how they might influence the results.

  • Human Expertise is Irreplaceable: ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it doesn't replace the critical role of human expertise in data analysis. Analysts need to critically evaluate the generated outputs, ensuring they align with the overall analysis goals and possess a deep understanding of the subject matter for accurate interpretation.

  • Misinterpreting the Machine: It's important to remember that ChatGPT's outputs are probabilistic, not definitive pronouncements. Analysts must exercise caution and avoid blindly accepting the generated insights. Double-check the results with your data and use your analytical judgment to draw sound conclusions.

  • Data Complexity: ChatGPT might struggle with exceptionally complex or nuanced data analysis tasks. For highly specialized areas requiring deep domain knowledge, human expertise remains crucial for effective analysis. However, specialized tools such as Superjoin can be of immense help in such situations.


Integrating AI like ChatGPT into your spreadsheet workflow can significantly boost productivity and enhance data analysis. By using these 15 ChatGPT prompts, you can simplify complex tasks, debug errors, automate processes, and gain deeper insights into your data. Embrace these tools to transform your spreadsheet experience, streamline your workflow, and make more informed decisions. Keep exploring and experimenting with AI to stay ahead in the data-driven world.

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 🚀

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets? 

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically. 

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add 1 additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.


Do I need any coding experience to use ChatGPT prompts?

Do I need any coding experience to use ChatGPT prompts?

What kind of data can I use with ChatGPT prompts?

What kind of data can I use with ChatGPT prompts?

Are there any costs associated with using ChatGPT prompts?

Are there any costs associated with using ChatGPT prompts?

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Gathering all your data has never been simpler.

Automatic Data Pulls

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Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

15 Awesome ChatGPT Prompts for Spreadsheet Users

Unlock the full potential of your spreadsheets with these 15 awesome ChatGPT prompts. Boost productivity and streamline your workflow with expert tips.