Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets

This comprehensive guide empowers you to confidently utilize Google Sheets average formula and transform your data into actionable insights!

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets

This comprehensive guide empowers you to confidently utilize Google Sheets average formula and transform your data into actionable insights!

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Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets
Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets
Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets

In the realm of spreadsheets, where numbers reign supreme, calculating averages is a fundamental skill. Averages, also known as means, provide a snapshot of a dataset by condensing it into a single, representative value. Whether you're tracking sales figures, analyzing student grades, or managing a budget, mastering averages in Google Sheets unlocks powerful insights from your data.

The Importance of Averages in Spreadsheets

Averages are the workhorses of data analysis. They help you:

  • Identify Trends: Averages reveal central tendencies within your data. By comparing averages across different categories or time periods, you can spot trends and patterns that might be hidden in raw numbers.

  • Make Comparisons: Averages allow you to easily compare data sets. For example, you can calculate the average sales figures for different product categories to assess their performance.

  • Simplify Complex Data: A single average value can condense a large amount of data, making it easier to understand and communicate insights.

Unveiling the Google Sheets AVERAGE Function

Google Sheets equips you with a powerful tool called the AVERAGE function to calculate averages. This function efficiently processes a range of cells containing numbers and delivers the average in a blink.

Understanding the Syntax

The AVERAGE function follows a straightforward syntax:

=AVERAGE(value1, [value2, ...])

  • =: This symbol signifies the beginning of a formula in Google Sheets.

  • AVERAGE: This keyword specifies the function you're using.

  • value1: This is the first cell reference or numerical value you want to include in the average calculation.

  • [value2, ...]: You can include additional cell references or numbers separated by commas to encompass a wider range of data.

Example: To calculate the average of values in cells A1, A2, and A3, you would type:

=AVERAGE(A1, A2, A3)

Step-by-Step Guide to Using AVERAGE

Here's how to effortlessly calculate averages with the AVERAGE function:

  1. Select the Output Cell: Click on the cell where you want the average to be displayed.

  2. Initiate the Formula: Type “=” in the formula bar at the top of the spreadsheet.

  3. Enter the AVERAGE Function: Type “AVERAGE(“ followed by an opening parenthesis.

  4. Specify the Cell Range: Click and drag across the cells containing the values you want to averaged, or manually type the cell references separated by commas.

  5. Close the Parenthesis: Type a closing parenthesis “)” to complete the function.

  6. Press Enter: Hit “Enter” on your keyboard, and Google Sheets will calculate and display the average in the chosen cell.

Beyond AVERAGE: Exploring Other Average Functions

While AVERAGE is the go-to function for most scenarios, Google Sheets offers additional functions catering to specific needs:

AVERAGEA: Including Text Values as Zero

The AVERAGE function excludes text entries from its calculations. But what if you have text values you want to consider as zeros in the average calculation? Here's where AVERAGEA comes in.

The AVERAGEA function behaves similarly to AVERAGE, but with a crucial difference: it treats text values as zero. This is particularly useful when your data set might contain non-numerical entries you want to account for as zeros.

Example: Imagine you have pulled a dataset with sales figures (numbers) and product names (text) in adjacent columns. Let’s assume that the blank cells are marked with an “NA” by default from its source. To calculate the average sales figure while considering “NA” as zeros, you can use:

=AVERAGEA(B2:B) // Assuming sales figures are in column B and product names are in column A

ROUNDAVERAGE: Rounding the Average Result

By default, the AVERAGE function displays the average value with several decimal places. If you only need the average rounded to a specific number of decimal places, the ROUNDAVERAGE function comes to the rescue.

The ROUNDAVERAGE function combines the power of AVERAGE and ROUND functions. It calculates the average of a range and then rounds the result to the specified number of decimal places.

Example: To calculate the average sales figure rounded to two decimal places, you can use:

=ROUNDAVERAGE(B2:B, 2)  // Assuming sales figures are in column B

These are just a few examples of the versatile average functions available in Google Sheets. As you delve deeper into data analysis, you'll discover functions like MEDIAN, MODE, and more to explore various aspects of your data.

Real-World Examples of Using Averages

Averages aren't just abstract concepts in spreadsheets; they hold immense value in practical applications. Let's explore how averages can be harnessed to gain insights in various scenarios:

Calculating Sales Performance

Imagine you're a business owner managing a team of salespeople. Your spreadsheet tracks individual sales figures for each salesperson. To understand the overall sales performance of your team, you can calculate the average sales figure. This average acts as a benchmark – a reference point to compare individual performance and identify areas for improvement.

Going a step further, you can calculate average sales figures by product category, region, or even time period. This granular analysis unveils trends and patterns that might be hidden in the overall average. For example, you might discover a specific product category consistently exceeding the average, prompting you to invest more resources in its promotion.

Analyzing Student Grades

As an educator, you likely track student grades in a spreadsheet. Calculating the class average for an exam or assignment provides a quick snapshot of how the class performed overall. This average can be a starting point for further analysis. You can compare the average to past performance or established benchmarks to assess student progress. Additionally, analyzing individual student scores in relation to the class average can help identify students who might need extra support or those exceeding expectations.

These are just a few examples, but the power of averages extends to various fields, from finance and marketing to research and development. Averages offer a valuable lens through which to interpret and communicate data, ultimately leading to informed decisions.

Advanced Techniques with Averages

While calculating a basic average is straightforward, Google Sheets empowers you with advanced techniques to unlock even deeper insights from your data.

Conditional Formatting Based on Average

Conditional formatting allows you to visually highlight cells based on predefined rules. You can leverage this feature in conjunction with averages to gain a quick visual understanding of your data.

Here's an example: Imagine you have a list of employee performance scores. You can calculate the average score and then use conditional formatting to:

  • Highlight cells above the average: This can easily identify top performers at a glance.

To highlight scores above the average in a performance review sheet, you can use conditional formatting with the following rule:

Format cells if... > Greater than > Average(B2:B) (Assuming scores are in column B)

  • Color-code cells below the average: This can help you focus on areas where additional training or support might be needed.

By visually representing your data relative to the average, conditional formatting provides an immediate grasp of performance distribution within your dataset.

Creating Charts to Visualize Averages

Charts are powerful tools for presenting data in a visually appealing and informative manner. Averages can play a pivotal role in creating effective charts.

Here's how you can leverage averages for chart creation:

  • Bar Charts: Compare average values across different categories. Imagine comparing average sales figures for different product categories using a bar chart. The varying bar heights would instantly convey which categories perform above or below the overall average.

  • Line Charts: Track trends in averages over time. For instance, you can create a line chart depicting the average monthly sales figures over a year. This visualization can reveal seasonal trends or the impact of marketing campaigns on average sales.

By incorporating averages into your charts, you create a data story that's easier to understand and interpret for yourself and your audience.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Averages

While the AVERAGE function is a powerhouse, mastering its nuances unlocks even more effective data analysis. Here are some valuable tips and tricks to elevate your average calculations:

Handling Text and Errors

Not all data is pristine. You might encounter text entries or error messages in your spreadsheet. Here's how to navigate these situations:

  • Text: As discussed earlier, the AVERAGE function excludes text by default. If you need to include text values as zero, use AVERAGEA.

  • Errors: Error messages like #VALUE! or #DIV/0! can disrupt your average calculation. You can use the IFERROR function to handle these errors gracefully. For example, the formula:


will display 0 if there are errors in the range A1:A10, otherwise, it will calculate the average.

Excluding Specific Cells from Calculations

Sometimes, you might want to exclude specific cells from your average calculation. Here's how to achieve this:

  • Manual Exclusion: Simply adjust the cell range in your AVERAGE function to omit the cells you don't want to include.


Let's say you have sales data in column B, but cell B5 contains a total figure you don't want to include in the average calculation for individual sales representatives. You can use the following formula:

=AVERAGE(B1:B4, B6:B10)  // Excludes cell B5 from the average

This formula calculates the average of sales figures in cells B1 to B4 and B6 to B10, effectively skipping cell B5.

  • Advanced Techniques: Functions like SUMIF and COUNTIF can be combined with AVERAGE to calculate averages based on specific criteria. 


Imagine you have a data table with columns for Product Name (A), Price (B), and Sales Figure (C). You want to find the average sales figure for products exceeding a price of $100. Here's the formula:

=AVERAGE(IF(B1:B>100, C1:C, 0))  // Calculates average sales figure for products priced above $100 (assuming data starts in row 1)

This formula uses the IF function to check if the price in each row (B1:B10) is greater than 100. If true, it includes the corresponding sales figure (C1:C10) in the calculation. If false (price is less than or equal to 100), it treats the sales figure as 0 (effectively excluding it). Finally, AVERAGE calculates the mean of the filtered sales figures.

By understanding how to handle text, errors, and exclude specific cells, you ensure your average calculations accurately reflect the intended data.


Averages, though seemingly simple, are fundamental tools in the data analysis arsenal. Google Sheets equips you with powerful functions like AVERAGE, AVERAGEA, and ROUNDAVERAGE to calculate and interpret averages effectively. From gauging sales performance to analyzing student grades, averages unlock valuable insights from your data. As you delve deeper, explore conditional formatting and chart creation to visually represent your averages, further enhancing data communication. Remember, mastering these techniques empowers you to extract meaningful information from your spreadsheets, ultimately leading to informed decisions

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 🚀

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets?

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically.

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add one additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.

In the realm of spreadsheets, where numbers reign supreme, calculating averages is a fundamental skill. Averages, also known as means, provide a snapshot of a dataset by condensing it into a single, representative value. Whether you're tracking sales figures, analyzing student grades, or managing a budget, mastering averages in Google Sheets unlocks powerful insights from your data.

The Importance of Averages in Spreadsheets

Averages are the workhorses of data analysis. They help you:

  • Identify Trends: Averages reveal central tendencies within your data. By comparing averages across different categories or time periods, you can spot trends and patterns that might be hidden in raw numbers.

  • Make Comparisons: Averages allow you to easily compare data sets. For example, you can calculate the average sales figures for different product categories to assess their performance.

  • Simplify Complex Data: A single average value can condense a large amount of data, making it easier to understand and communicate insights.

Unveiling the Google Sheets AVERAGE Function

Google Sheets equips you with a powerful tool called the AVERAGE function to calculate averages. This function efficiently processes a range of cells containing numbers and delivers the average in a blink.

Understanding the Syntax

The AVERAGE function follows a straightforward syntax:

=AVERAGE(value1, [value2, ...])

  • =: This symbol signifies the beginning of a formula in Google Sheets.

  • AVERAGE: This keyword specifies the function you're using.

  • value1: This is the first cell reference or numerical value you want to include in the average calculation.

  • [value2, ...]: You can include additional cell references or numbers separated by commas to encompass a wider range of data.

Example: To calculate the average of values in cells A1, A2, and A3, you would type:

=AVERAGE(A1, A2, A3)

Step-by-Step Guide to Using AVERAGE

Here's how to effortlessly calculate averages with the AVERAGE function:

  1. Select the Output Cell: Click on the cell where you want the average to be displayed.

  2. Initiate the Formula: Type “=” in the formula bar at the top of the spreadsheet.

  3. Enter the AVERAGE Function: Type “AVERAGE(“ followed by an opening parenthesis.

  4. Specify the Cell Range: Click and drag across the cells containing the values you want to averaged, or manually type the cell references separated by commas.

  5. Close the Parenthesis: Type a closing parenthesis “)” to complete the function.

  6. Press Enter: Hit “Enter” on your keyboard, and Google Sheets will calculate and display the average in the chosen cell.

Beyond AVERAGE: Exploring Other Average Functions

While AVERAGE is the go-to function for most scenarios, Google Sheets offers additional functions catering to specific needs:

AVERAGEA: Including Text Values as Zero

The AVERAGE function excludes text entries from its calculations. But what if you have text values you want to consider as zeros in the average calculation? Here's where AVERAGEA comes in.

The AVERAGEA function behaves similarly to AVERAGE, but with a crucial difference: it treats text values as zero. This is particularly useful when your data set might contain non-numerical entries you want to account for as zeros.

Example: Imagine you have pulled a dataset with sales figures (numbers) and product names (text) in adjacent columns. Let’s assume that the blank cells are marked with an “NA” by default from its source. To calculate the average sales figure while considering “NA” as zeros, you can use:

=AVERAGEA(B2:B) // Assuming sales figures are in column B and product names are in column A

ROUNDAVERAGE: Rounding the Average Result

By default, the AVERAGE function displays the average value with several decimal places. If you only need the average rounded to a specific number of decimal places, the ROUNDAVERAGE function comes to the rescue.

The ROUNDAVERAGE function combines the power of AVERAGE and ROUND functions. It calculates the average of a range and then rounds the result to the specified number of decimal places.

Example: To calculate the average sales figure rounded to two decimal places, you can use:

=ROUNDAVERAGE(B2:B, 2)  // Assuming sales figures are in column B

These are just a few examples of the versatile average functions available in Google Sheets. As you delve deeper into data analysis, you'll discover functions like MEDIAN, MODE, and more to explore various aspects of your data.

Real-World Examples of Using Averages

Averages aren't just abstract concepts in spreadsheets; they hold immense value in practical applications. Let's explore how averages can be harnessed to gain insights in various scenarios:

Calculating Sales Performance

Imagine you're a business owner managing a team of salespeople. Your spreadsheet tracks individual sales figures for each salesperson. To understand the overall sales performance of your team, you can calculate the average sales figure. This average acts as a benchmark – a reference point to compare individual performance and identify areas for improvement.

Going a step further, you can calculate average sales figures by product category, region, or even time period. This granular analysis unveils trends and patterns that might be hidden in the overall average. For example, you might discover a specific product category consistently exceeding the average, prompting you to invest more resources in its promotion.

Analyzing Student Grades

As an educator, you likely track student grades in a spreadsheet. Calculating the class average for an exam or assignment provides a quick snapshot of how the class performed overall. This average can be a starting point for further analysis. You can compare the average to past performance or established benchmarks to assess student progress. Additionally, analyzing individual student scores in relation to the class average can help identify students who might need extra support or those exceeding expectations.

These are just a few examples, but the power of averages extends to various fields, from finance and marketing to research and development. Averages offer a valuable lens through which to interpret and communicate data, ultimately leading to informed decisions.

Advanced Techniques with Averages

While calculating a basic average is straightforward, Google Sheets empowers you with advanced techniques to unlock even deeper insights from your data.

Conditional Formatting Based on Average

Conditional formatting allows you to visually highlight cells based on predefined rules. You can leverage this feature in conjunction with averages to gain a quick visual understanding of your data.

Here's an example: Imagine you have a list of employee performance scores. You can calculate the average score and then use conditional formatting to:

  • Highlight cells above the average: This can easily identify top performers at a glance.

To highlight scores above the average in a performance review sheet, you can use conditional formatting with the following rule:

Format cells if... > Greater than > Average(B2:B) (Assuming scores are in column B)

  • Color-code cells below the average: This can help you focus on areas where additional training or support might be needed.

By visually representing your data relative to the average, conditional formatting provides an immediate grasp of performance distribution within your dataset.

Creating Charts to Visualize Averages

Charts are powerful tools for presenting data in a visually appealing and informative manner. Averages can play a pivotal role in creating effective charts.

Here's how you can leverage averages for chart creation:

  • Bar Charts: Compare average values across different categories. Imagine comparing average sales figures for different product categories using a bar chart. The varying bar heights would instantly convey which categories perform above or below the overall average.

  • Line Charts: Track trends in averages over time. For instance, you can create a line chart depicting the average monthly sales figures over a year. This visualization can reveal seasonal trends or the impact of marketing campaigns on average sales.

By incorporating averages into your charts, you create a data story that's easier to understand and interpret for yourself and your audience.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Averages

While the AVERAGE function is a powerhouse, mastering its nuances unlocks even more effective data analysis. Here are some valuable tips and tricks to elevate your average calculations:

Handling Text and Errors

Not all data is pristine. You might encounter text entries or error messages in your spreadsheet. Here's how to navigate these situations:

  • Text: As discussed earlier, the AVERAGE function excludes text by default. If you need to include text values as zero, use AVERAGEA.

  • Errors: Error messages like #VALUE! or #DIV/0! can disrupt your average calculation. You can use the IFERROR function to handle these errors gracefully. For example, the formula:


will display 0 if there are errors in the range A1:A10, otherwise, it will calculate the average.

Excluding Specific Cells from Calculations

Sometimes, you might want to exclude specific cells from your average calculation. Here's how to achieve this:

  • Manual Exclusion: Simply adjust the cell range in your AVERAGE function to omit the cells you don't want to include.


Let's say you have sales data in column B, but cell B5 contains a total figure you don't want to include in the average calculation for individual sales representatives. You can use the following formula:

=AVERAGE(B1:B4, B6:B10)  // Excludes cell B5 from the average

This formula calculates the average of sales figures in cells B1 to B4 and B6 to B10, effectively skipping cell B5.

  • Advanced Techniques: Functions like SUMIF and COUNTIF can be combined with AVERAGE to calculate averages based on specific criteria. 


Imagine you have a data table with columns for Product Name (A), Price (B), and Sales Figure (C). You want to find the average sales figure for products exceeding a price of $100. Here's the formula:

=AVERAGE(IF(B1:B>100, C1:C, 0))  // Calculates average sales figure for products priced above $100 (assuming data starts in row 1)

This formula uses the IF function to check if the price in each row (B1:B10) is greater than 100. If true, it includes the corresponding sales figure (C1:C10) in the calculation. If false (price is less than or equal to 100), it treats the sales figure as 0 (effectively excluding it). Finally, AVERAGE calculates the mean of the filtered sales figures.

By understanding how to handle text, errors, and exclude specific cells, you ensure your average calculations accurately reflect the intended data.


Averages, though seemingly simple, are fundamental tools in the data analysis arsenal. Google Sheets equips you with powerful functions like AVERAGE, AVERAGEA, and ROUNDAVERAGE to calculate and interpret averages effectively. From gauging sales performance to analyzing student grades, averages unlock valuable insights from your data. As you delve deeper, explore conditional formatting and chart creation to visually represent your averages, further enhancing data communication. Remember, mastering these techniques empowers you to extract meaningful information from your spreadsheets, ultimately leading to informed decisions

Say Goodbye To Tedious Data Exports! 🚀

Are you tired of spending hours manually exporting CSVs from different tools and importing them into Google Sheets?

Superjoin is a data connector for Google Sheets that connects your favorite SaaS tools to Google Sheets automatically. You can get data from these platforms into Google Sheets automatically to build reports that update automatically.

Bid farewell to tedious exports and repetitive tasks. With Superjoin, you can add one additional day to your week. Try Superjoin out for free or schedule a demo.


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Google Sheets Tutorial

Google Sheets Average: How to Calculate and Use Averages in Google Sheets

This comprehensive guide empowers you to confidently utilize Google Sheets average formula and transform your data into actionable insights!