MQL to SQL Conversion Rate

Conversion rate of Marketing Qualified Leads to Sales Qualified Leads.


MQL to SQL Conversion Rate = (Number of SQLs / Number of MQLs) * 100

Know your metric

Importance of

MQL to SQL Conversion Rate

  1. Qualification Effectiveness

Indicates how effectively marketing qualifies leads for sales.

  1. Sales Funnel Gap Identification

Helps identify where leads drop off between marketing and sales.

  1. Marketing Strategy Refinement

Assists in refining strategies based on conversion success.

Drawbacks of

MQL to SQL Conversion Rate

  1. Depends on Definitions

The conversion rate heavily depends on how organizations define MQLs and SQLs, which can vary, leading to inconsistencies.

  1. Not a Revenue Metric

Converting MQLs to SQLs does not directly translate to revenue, as these leads still need to be closed by sales.

  1. Potential for Misalignment

If marketing and sales are not well-aligned in their strategies and goals, this metric can be misleading.

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