Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action.


Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Number of Visitors) * 100

Know your metric

Importance of

Conversion Rate

  1. Measures Effectiveness

Directly evaluates the success of sales/marketing strategies.

  1. Funnel Optimization

Helps identify and improve weak stages in the sales funnel.

3. Resource Allocation

Guides the distribution of resources to optimize conversions.

Drawbacks of

Conversion Rate

  1. Doesn't Reflect Quality

A high conversion rate doesn't always reflect the quality of conversions, such as the profitability or long-term value of new customers.

  1. Variance Across Channels

Conversion rates can vary significantly across different marketing channels, complicating comprehensive performance analysis.

  1. Sensitive to External Factors

External factors like economic conditions or competitive actions can influence conversion rates, making them volatile and sometimes misleading.

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