Days Sales Outstanding

Calculate the average number of days to collect payment after a sale using Superjoin's Calculator.


DSO = (Total Accounts Receivable / Total Credit Sales) * Number of Days

Know your metric

Importance of

Days Sales Outstanding

Essential for assessing cash flow efficiency and the effectiveness of the collections team.

  1. Cash Flow Management

Offers valuable insights into cash flow management, crucial for operational funding.

  1. Operational Efficiency

Helps gauge the efficiency of the accounts receivable processes and the effectiveness of the collections team.

  1. Customer Payment Behavior

Provides an understanding of customer payment behaviour, helping tailor collection strategies.

Drawbacks of

Days Sales Outstanding

High DSO might not always indicate problems if aligned with industry credit terms.

  1. Not Industry Specific

DSO standards vary widely across industries, making it less useful for benchmarking without context.

  1. Sensitive to Seasonality

Can fluctuate significantly due to seasonal sales patterns, not necessarily indicating a problem.

  1. Does Not Consider Sales Volume

High sales volumes can distort the perception of efficiency if receivables are also growing.

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